When installing sysstat on a systemd based installation there will be 3 services that get installed:
- sysstat
- sysstat-collect.timer
- sysstat-collect.service
By default, sysstat will do its normal 1s/10m collectiof data, which isn’t great. But, you can change how sysstat collects data by modifying the sysstat-collect.service unit to change the sa1 command to:
[Unit] Description=system activity accounting tool Documentation=man:sa1(8) After=sysstat.service [Service] Type=oneshot User=root ExecStart=/usr/lib/sa/sa1 -S XALL 60 1
This will cause sysstat to collect data for 60s and then write it out to the archive. This gives you a full minute worth of samples every minute, a much better statistic than 1s per 10 minutes worth of data, that is only 1/600th of the info you’ll likely want!
To make this work, you’ll also have to change the sysstat-collect.timer so it fires off the service every minute instead of once every 10 minutes. The timer unit should become:
# /usr/lib/systemd/system/sysstat-collect.timer # (C) 2014 Tomasz Torcz <tomek@pipebreaker.pl> # # sysstat-12.5.5 systemd unit file: # Activates activity collector every 10 minutes [Unit] Description=Run system activity accounting tool every 1 minute [Timer] OnCalendar=*:00/1 [Install] WantedBy=sysstat.service
Making these two changes will give you more accurate system statistics as well as all the system statistics information (like interrupts and such) that a process like netdata collects but in the compact, serialized data format used by sysstat which will save disk space and make maintenance through the cli more friendly.