MPS is a great mod, MPS’s NEI integration however is not great. For some reason recipes do not show up properly in NEI sometimes, certain elements are missing. When this happens it can be handy to have the somewhat cryptic JSON file that contains the recipes in it. The recipes work in game, but figuring them out can suck. Still, better to have the info than to NOT have the info.
Your first stop for trying to build something that appears to be wrong in NEI is the MachineMuse recipes page. If that fails you, here are the actual JSON recipe files from the LostDorks server that you can use. Each object is broken into two parts, the ingredients bit and the result bit. The first one here is showing how to make basic plating for your suits out of iron and and invar gear. This is where it gets tricky. The names listed here are programmer references, not simple or easy to read names. This can result in guess work, but it gives you some idea anyway. Additionally some of the items have meta data specified. For instance:
{ "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:material", "meta" : 3 }
Firstly, ThermalExpansion:material is pretty hard to guess, it is clearly a thermal expansion item of some kind, but what? It happens to be the “coil” objects from thermal expansion. The meta:3 bit indicates that it is the third variant of that. You’ll see the object in NEI listed with an id #, then ‘:’ then the meta data. So, 4776:3 for instance.
Sorry this is such a scavenger hunt. If the online recipe page was current, or NEI worked, it would be simple, but as it happens, they don’t so this is what we have for this mod.
Thermal Expansion Variants
[ { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "gearInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingBasic" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" }, { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "gearElectrum" }, { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" }, { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingAdvanced" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeGreen" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "dustRedstone" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:material", "meta" : 3 }, { "oredictName" : "dyeGreen" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" }, { "oredictName" : "dustRedstone" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentControlCircuit" }, "mirror" : true }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingBasic" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "ingotIron", "quantity" : 5 } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingAdvanced" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond", "quantity" : 5 } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "dustGlowstone" }, { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeGreen" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:material", "meta" : 3 }, { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "dyeBlue" }, { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeRed" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentLaserEmitter" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ null, { "oredictName" : "gemEmerald" }, null ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Frame"}, { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" } ], [ null, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:material", "meta" : 2 }, null ] ], "result" : { "registryName" : "powersuits:tile.tinkerTable" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ] ], "result" : { "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorHelmet" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, null, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" } ] ], "result" : { "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorChestplate" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, null, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" } ] ], "result" : { "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorLeggings" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, null, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" } ] ], "result" : { "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorBoots" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null ], [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" }, null ], [ null, { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ] ], "result" : { "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerFist" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "ingotCopper" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotCopper" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotCopper" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotSilver" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotSilver" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotSilver" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotCopper" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotCopper" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotCopper" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentWiring", "quantity" : 8 } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "registryName" : "minecraft:wool" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:wool" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:wool" } ], [ { "registryName" : "minecraft:string" }, null, { "registryName" : "minecraft:string" } ], [ { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Rockwool", "meta" : 8 }, null, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Rockwool", "meta" : 8 } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentParachute" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "ingotSilver" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Frame", "meta" : 4 }, { "oredictName" : "ingotGold" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentLVCapacitor" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Frame", "meta" : 5 }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentMVCapacitor" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Frame", "meta" : 7 }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentHVCapacitor" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ null, { "oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" } ], [ {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ], [ {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, null, null] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentGliderWing" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, null ], [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:material" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, null ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentServo" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ], [ {"registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Frame", "meta" : 11}, {"registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" } ], [ {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter" }, "mirror" : true }, { "ingredients" : [ [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter" }, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" }, { "oredictName" : "dustGlowstone" }, null], [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter" }, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentIonThruster" } } ]
Ender IO Variants
[ { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ], [ { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingBasic" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" }, { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" } ], [ { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor", "meta" : 1 }, { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" }, { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingAdvanced" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeGreen" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotElectricalSteel" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "dustRedstone" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor", "meta" : 1 }, { "oredictName" : "dyeGreen" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotElectricalSteel" }, { "oredictName" : "dustRedstone" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentControlCircuit" }, "mirror" : true }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingBasic" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "ingotIron", "quantity" : 5 } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingAdvanced" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond", "quantity" : 5 } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "dustGlowstone" }, { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeGreen" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "dyeBlue" }, { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeRed" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentLaserEmitter" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ null, { "oredictName" : "gemEmerald" }, null ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotElectricalSteel"}, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotElectricalSteel"} ], [ null, { "oredictName" : "itemMachineChassi" }, null ] ], "result" : { "registryName" : "powersuits:tile.tinkerTable" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ], [ { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, null, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" } ] ], "result" : { "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorHelmet" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, null, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ], [ { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ] ], "result" : { "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorChestplate" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ], [ { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, null, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, null, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ] ], "result" : { "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorLeggings" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, null, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, null, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ] ], "result" : { "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorBoots" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null ], [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotPhasedIron" }, null ], [ null, { "oredictName" : "ingotPhasedIron" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ] ], "result" : { "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerFist" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ {"oredictName" : "ingotPhasedIron" }, { "oredictName" : "dustRedstone" }, {"oredictName" : "ingotPhasedIron" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentWiring", "quantity" : 8 } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ { "registryName" : "minecraft:wool" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:wool" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:wool" } ], [ { "registryName" : "minecraft:string" }, null, {"registryName" : "minecraft:string" } ], [ { "oredictName" : "ingotElectricalSteel" }, null, {"oredictName" : "ingotElectricalSteel" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentParachute" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor", "meta" : 0 }, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentLVCapacitor" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor", "meta" : 1 }, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentMVCapacitor" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor", "meta" : 2 }, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentHVCapacitor" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, {"oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotEnergeticAlloy" }, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ null, { "oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" } ], [ {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ], [ {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, null, null] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentGliderWing" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, null ], [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemMachinePart" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ], [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, null ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentServo" } }, { "ingredients" : [ [ {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ], [ {"registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor", "meta" : 2 }, {"registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" } ], [ {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter" }, "mirror" : true }, { "ingredients" : [ [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ], [ {"oredictName" : "ingotPhasedGold" }, {"oredictName" : "dustGlowstone" }, null], [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, {"oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ] ], "result" : { "oredictName" : "componentIonThruster" } } ]